Find taxonomic ID using NCBI Taxonomy Database
It performs a search using taxonomic ID or organism name and feed Organism object with descendants


You can run this script from command line passing args or using a configuration file

Command line

You can read help message running -h:

usage: [-h] [--taxon TAXON] [--log LOG] [--groups GROUPS]
                   [--output_file OUTPUT_FILE] [--conf CONF]

Organism - Find taxonomic ID using taxonomony sqlite database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --taxon TAXON         Organism name or taxonomic ID
  --log LOG             Log output
  --groups GROUPS       Groups descendants from taxon parameter to be
  --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output filepath
  --conf CONF           Configuration file

Search for organism names or taxonomic IDs related from taxon parameter and
put into a file

An command example: --taxon 1980416 --groups all --output_file test --taxon Peribunyaviridae --groups all --output_file test

Config file

You can use a configuration file with this content:

taxon = 1980416
log = organism.log
groups = all
output_file = ids.txt 

In first line, you're setting between "[]" the section, organism script use "Organism" section to get parameters. After that, everything is parameter = value (until it finds another section), they're the same parameters from help message without "--" before the keys.
Run script using: --conf example.conf


It is just a class used as a model/transfer object used to represent a oragnism from NCBI Taxonomy having the following properties:

Property Type Description
tax_id int Taxonomic ID
name str Organism name
descendants list List of Organisms


This script have the following functions


This method create request for NCBI Taxonomy and return a Organism

Parameters Type Description
taxon str int


This method reads taxonomy response page and return a Organism object filled

Parameters Type Description
content str Response content from request