
Reads groups files, rename and join them into a main fasta file


You can run this script from command line passing args or using a configuration file

Command line

You can read help message running unifier.py -h:

usage: unifier.py [-h] [--taxon TAXON] [--ids_file IDS_FILE]
                  [--discriminate_groups {yes,no,both}] [--log LOG]
                  [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--conf CONF]

Unifier - unify files into main organism FASTA file and rename it

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --taxon TAXON         taxonomic ID
  --ids_file IDS_FILE   Groups descendants from taxon parameter to be
  --discriminate_groups {yes,no,both}
                        Output filepath
  --log LOG             Log output
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output dir
  --conf CONF           Configuration file

Read groups files, rename them and join into a main fasta file

An command example:

unifier.py --taxon txid1980416 --ids_file ids_file.txt --discriminate_groups both --output_dir output

Config file

You can use a configuration file with this content:

log = unifier.log
taxon = 1980416
ids_file = ids.txt
discriminate_groups = both

In first line, you're setting between "[]" the section, organism script use "Unifier" section to get parameters. After that, everything is parameter = value (until it finds another section), they're the same parameters from help message without "--" before the keys.
Run script using:

organism.py --conf example.conf


This script have the following functions


Return fasta content with headers prefixed

Parameters Type Description
fasta str FASTA content
prefix str Prefix to be added


Return name based on taxon ID

Parameters Type Description
taxon str Taxon ID or Organism name